Linda Kochanski

Linda Kochanski

Linda Kochanski

MSB Hon Treasurer

  • Training and Assessment Committee – Convenor
  • Member Engagement & Complaints Committee

MSB Director since 2016

Professional Background
  • Accredited Mediator, FDRP, LL.B
  • Mediator, Clark & Associates Mediation Services 
  • Practice Leader, College of Law – Dispute Resolution Program (FDRP & ADR) 

Linda Kochanski is the current MSB Treasurer and also an active member of several MSB committees. She is a practising mediator and Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner (FDRP).

She also has a strong interest in the evolution of mediation training and practice delivery modes, and brings a diverse, multi-disciplinary perspective to her role at the MSB having experience as a supervisor, trainer and assessor across a number of disciplines and jurisdictions, as well as a practising mediation professional. 

She has also served on several RMAB Complaints committees to assist when there have been complaints made about their members, both in training context and practice contexts, allowing her exclusive insights into the evolution of mediation practice under the national Accreditation system (NMAS) and standards. 

Linda has been a Mediator for more than 30 years, and to date her career has included working in both the community sector and as a private practitioner. 

She has also been heavily involved in developing and delivering NMAS and FDRP training to dispute resolution professionals across Australia throughout her career, including working as a trainer, assessor and coach with several training organisations, universities and Recognised Mediator Accreditation Bodies (RMABs) including Bond University (Dispute Resolution Centre), Australian Mediation Association, QUT, Relationships Australia Queensland and USQ. 

She has also served on several industry boards including Australian Mediation Association Advisory Board, Queensland Law Society’s ADR committee and Bond University Dispute Resolution Centre.