Christopher Boyle

Christopher Boyle

Christopher Boyle

MBS Board Member

  • Review Committee
  • Research Committee
  • Member Engagement and Complaints Committee

MSB Director since 2018

Professional Background
  • NMAS Accredited Mediator, LL.B.

As a Director of MSB, Christopher Boyle brings a unique a blend of experience and skills as a practising lawyer, a legal educator, and a deeply experienced mediator to the Board and its committees. 

Christopher was appointed as a MSB Director in 2018, and between 2022-2024 he served as Chairman of the Board. 

As a former Registrar of the Supreme Court of Western Australia, Christopher’s experience as a mediator has breadth and depth that very few Australian mediators can match. 

His work and the Court’s Mediation program has received national recognition for its excellence, and he has personally conducted more than 1500 mediations during his time in this role.

During his time as a MSB Director, Christopher has played a significant role in the research, in-depth review and implementation of changes to the NMAS and accreditation standards, including the evolution to the AMDRAS framework.  

Christopher’s work includes meditations which span the full breadth of the court’s jurisdiction, ranging from asbestos diseases claims, through family provision and contentious probate actions to contractual and property disputes.