Jodie Grant

Jodie Grant

Jodie Grant

AMDRAS Board Member

  • Application and Assessment Committee – Convenor
  • Governance Committee
  • Training and Accreditation Committee
  • Standards Committee

AMDRAS Director since 2022
AMDRAS Co-Deputy Chair since 2024


Professional Background
  • Mediator, Family Dispute Resolution (FDR) Practitioner.
  • Founding Director at Shifting Sands
  • Appointed as a Defence Abuse Response Taskforce Restorative Engagement Facilitator.
    Appointed Restorative Engagement Facilitator, Commonwealth Ombudsman -Defence
  • Appointed a Personal Response Facilitator in various National Redress Scheme
  • Chairperson at Victoria Legal Aid Family Dispute Resolution Service

Jodie Grant has been a member of the AMDRAS since 2022 and currently serves on several AMDRAS committees.

Jodie has practised in Family Dispute Resolution and mediation for more than 20 years whilst working simultaneously in education and training roles, leading and supporting professional best practice.

Since 2015, Jodie has also specialised as a Restorative Engagement Facilitator/ Personal Response Facilitator. Commencing work in the Defence Abuse Response Taskforce and on the List of Facilitators for the National Redress Schemes, Jodie has facilitated many conferences/conversations focusing on the experience of abuse and harm. Jodie continues this work for various government institutions, non-government institutions, agencies, and organisations, and privately to facilitate meaningful responses.

Jodie has developed and delivered accredited dispute resolution courses over many years. She teaches, coaches and is an assessor of specialist Dispute Resolution practitioners (FDR and Mediation) across Australia. Jodie also develops and presents a wide range of bespoke Professional Development training options and short courses both specialised and general, tailored programs.

Currently Jodie focuses on her private practice Shifting Sands and contracts with individuals, organisations and institutions providing dispute resolution practice, training, education, and supervision and reflective practice.

Jodie is a highly skilled and knowledgeable Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner (FDRP), Mediator, Restorative Engagement Facilitator, trainer, and supervisor, with social work foundations.

Jodie is a Legal Aid Victoria Chairperson Panel Member and has worked as a Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner for Relationships Australia (Victoria) and Catholic Care.

Jodie is highly experienced as a supervisor and Reflective Practitioner, and has worked with many organisations and practitioners supporting practice in family dispute resolution, restorative practice and mediation.

Jodie has worked with many organisations, Law faculties and organisations with Dispute resolution courses across Australia.She has also contributed her expertise in several textbooks and academic papers.

Jodie is known for her commitment to excellence, ethics and standards, best practice principles, and furthering skills and knowledge.